Who We Are

We are delighted to have this opportunity to introduce you to Redeeming Grace Baptist Church. Even more than that, we would love for you to be a regular part of what God is doing here at RGBC. To help you get acquainted with us, we hope our online presence serves as a sort of orientation to our church with the desire that you be drawn into our fellowship. Let me briefly tell you about us.

We began as a church plant in 2000. On September 17, 2000, the church was constituted with the new name Redeeming Grace Baptist Church. The church covenant was read in unison by all those who had previously signed it and therefore agreed to live in accordance with the church covenant. See “Our History” for a closer look at how under God’s providence we came to be.

We exist to make Jesus Christ known to all people throughout the counties of Mathews, Gloucester, Middlesex, and beyond. We are committed to proclaiming the Gospel that redeems and transforms the lives of all those whom God is calling to Himself from every tongue, tribe, nation, and language. We believe that the church is God’s primary tool by which His kingdom is advanced in the world through the preaching of the Gospel and deeds of love and mercy. We long to serve our surrounding areas with the preaching and teaching of God’s Word and acts of mercy and grace. We are an elder–led congregation. We subscribe to the doctrine set forth in the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith. If you have any questions about RGBC, feel free to write us at rgbcvirginia@gmail.com.

I believe that our name, Redeeming Grace Baptist Church, will best paint a picture of who we are.

Redeeming speaks of being bought back. This act of redeeming is done by none other than Christ Himself, who is the very life of this church. Everything in this body of believers revolves around Him. It is Christ who has redeemed us and brought us back to Him when we had gone astray. As a result of Him buying us back, this church is His church—Christ is recognized as Lord here. He is our Savior, our Redeemer, our everything! We are a group of people who have believed upon Christ, love Christ, follow Christ, obey Christ, and serve Christ. This describes who we are—we are all about Christ, our Redeemer.

Grace is being given something you do not deserve. As people, we were separated from God; we did not deserve for Him to redeem and save us. However, by His grace, He chooses to give us something that we don’t deserve—salvation. Because of His grace, sinners have been wonderfully transformed, pardoned, and placed into a fellowship of believers who have a common life together in Christ. As a church family, we hold in common our Lord Jesus Christ. His spiritual life pulsates through our church body. His truth and love knit our hearts together. Despite differences of family background, education, business, and social standing, we are one in Christ.

Baptist defines our theological and historical distinctive. We are Baptists by conviction—a people who stand in a great line of those who have gone before us. This godly line can be traced back to the English Reformation of the 16th-century. As with our forefathers, we believe in the full inspiration and authority of Scripture, salvation by grace alone, the baptism of believers only by immersion, the perseverance and eternal security of the redeemed, and more. These God-exalting truths mark our identity.

Church also describes who we are. This word church means “the called-out ones.” Accordingly, we are those who have been called out of the darkness of sin by the power of God into the light of His kingdom. We have been drawn by the Spirit into fellowship with Christ. We are in the world, but no longer of the world. We are the church—the “called-out ones.”


~ Redeeming Grace Baptist Church ~

We are a congregation who have been redeemed by Christ, who support one another in loving fellowship, who hold to historic Baptist tenets, and who are called out of the world to be the church of God.

We would enjoy you visiting with us and considering the possibility of this becoming your church home.


We exist to glorify God by making disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ throughout the whole world through the proclamation of God’s Word resulting in God-focused worship, kindred fellowship, and biblical evangelism